Twilight Series lets have a debate! Team Edward vs. Team Jacob

gileygirl posted on Apr 06, 2008 at 09:01PM
alright girlies here's the thing. For the past few weeks i have been bothered by some of the picks that have been forming lately. like who Bella choose?, who do you like better?, etc. all these have involved with edward and jacob. i like answering the picks because they're fun and i like everyones opinion =), but instead of having picks lets express how POV's of edward and jacob on here and talk about them.

Jacob Fans: why do you guys like Jacob? what reasons do you like him?, and when did u start liking Jacob? Why do you hate Edward, and why do u think he is the right one for Bella and not Edward?

(my personal quesion for jacob fans read twilight and that was all about edward and bella no jacob (other than Bella False flirting with jake in la push). did u like edward then? and if u dont like edward that much why read twilight because its all about edward and bella and her love for him, and jake was merely a prop (no offence) but thats what i want to know...)

Edward fans:Why do u like edward? When did u like edward? what do u not like about jacob? what make edward the one for Bella?

i want a clean fight ladies (im sure all of us canplay fair ;), but lets have fun and express everyones opinion on this battle)

Twilight Series 207 replies

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Showing Replies 151-200 of 207

over a year ago eddielover05 said…
I am a fan of everyone but mostly a fan of edward.....I personally don’t think Edward is “hot” in the looks department. However “hot” to me is the entire package….
Edward is romantic, sweet and to me is the perfect man…he loves her more then anything else in his world and to me that makes him irresistible. It’s horrible actually…this series paints a picture of what every women wants, someone to love them unconditionally…more then their own life. to do whatever it takes to make the happy. When I dream of love this is what I dream of, minus the vampire story of course. Everyone knows men like this don’t actually exist. It almost disappointing, knowing this will never happen in real life. Now, I am a little older then most twilight fans but never the less still love the story of this series. It almost makes me hopeful in regards to love. Jacob, well he is a different kind of man….I don’t hate him but never wanted Bella to end up with him. Maybe if she experienced love with Jacob first I would be writing something entirely different. I love Edward and Bella together, and I really can’t wait until the next movie comes out. After reading the books I became obsessed with this series….I didn’t and don’t want it to end. Some times I feel crazy!!
over a year ago 18wanda said…
Eat your meth, people. Enjoy it not while you can!
over a year ago 123cosmo4 said…
Cullengirl1597 is the one that really should get attacked by a terrorist. I know 18wanda better tahn anyone and you should just shut up. Everyone can think what they think. It's in the amendments. FREEDOM OF SPEECH
over a year ago 123cosmo4 said…
Cullengirl needs to SHUT THE HECK UP!!! Keep your stupid opinion to yourself. 18wanda just happens to be my twin sister and I want her very much alive. >:(
over a year ago sinai114 said…
ok is freedom of speech & everything ok so Cullengirl1597 can say anything about 18wanda..& besides she comes to the twilight spot calling us lunatics and stuff like that and talking about meth please if shes your twin sister tell her to keep her comments to herself..its ok if she doesnt like twilight..and i dont think cullengirl said anything really have a nice day ! :)
over a year ago 123cosmo4 said…
Flapjacks to that! >:(
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago sinai114 said…
over a year ago SmiiLeSuNsHiinE said…
I'm absolutely Team Jacob =] ..
Yeah I know all you Edward fans hate him,
But I recently joined Team Jacob at the end of the book eclipse, where she kisses him again, So far it's been my favorite chapter in the book.

I used to be an Edward fan, I think we all start out that way. I still like him, he's okay, but he's to predictable, so he started boring me. I like Jake because he's so open minded and determined to get Bella to realize she loves him back, (which she does).

He's so warm hearted and funny, for the most part.
as with Edward - He's to uptight and protective for me to like him as much,
Dont get me wrong I do like Edward,
But come on, Jake has the absolute best personality EVER.

-Kacee =]
over a year ago brontebull said…
EDWARD!! all the way!!
i love him
he is sweet
good looking
better then jacob
loves bella more
jacob is such a loser in eclipes
in new moon he thinks he can replace edward
he basically steels bellas baby from her!
is that enough resons to hate jacob!!!
over a year ago r-pattz said…
he doesnt steal Nessie, he imprints on her. theres a big difference. and everything he did in new moon was out of his love for bella. in eclipse, he may have been a bit of a jerk, but he still had his reasons.
over a year ago jacobblackfreak said…
TEAM JACOB!!!!!!! WELL i love jacob soo much!! i guess edward is ok but he is kinda sticky...i know bella loves edward but she also loves jacob but not as much as edward. I also agree with funnyshawna. Its soo bella's fault jacob is hurt. Every1 is really nice t her saying its not her fault for god's sake of course it is!!!!!! Grrrr i wish jacob was real and that he imprints on me not Renesmee... anyways you get my point! GO TEAM JACOB!!!!
over a year ago jacobblackfreak said…
over a year ago renesmee17 said…
i'm <3 them both i guess you would call me team Switzerland! :)
I'M SWITZERLAND!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago aj_tigeryes said…
I love Jake because he was there for Bella in New Moon. He's sweet, funny and a good guy that Bella can have fun with. Edward is nice but he isn't a lot of laughs. Jacob isn't at risk of hurting Bella and he's a good space heater. He could grow up with her as a human (well, sort of) and he saved Bella's life. Wolves are my favourite wild animal and I like that he is immature sometimes because it shows that he isn't perfect. Perfect people can be annoying. Besides, he's like Bella's personal sun and I think that's a really special relationship.
over a year ago LinaJC said…
i like edward because he protects Bella to the best of his abilty and he would never hurt her. I think he is very sweet and romantic and he is totally commited to Bella. But Jacob is a nice guy too. But sometimes I think that jacob can be a little jerk-ish. But i still have mad love for both Edward and Jacob!
over a year ago clubCULLEN said…
EDWARD!his personallity rox! he's so kind and protective!Jacobs ok? but my heart will always go to edward he's just the most amazing person or vampire ever!i understand jacob fans ... but hes not my kind of offense but sometimes hes a jerk!there both awesome but sience i read about him on her first day in forks i have loved him!At the start i didn't like bella because edward didn't like her!I see the redeeming qualaties in jacob but VAMPIRES ROCK!!!
over a year ago countrygirl66 said…
I am Team Jacob all the way!!! jacob is so much better i love every thing about him. werewolfs are so much better. edward is to clingy and over protective. i cant stand him and i never liked him. i know i am a minority in this debate but will always like jacob better!i can see why u all would like edward but i just like jacob more. i also wish edward would have never came back.
over a year ago jalicefan15 said…
I am team Edward because he wants what hebelives is best for Bella. He also dosn't sees himself as a killer and he needs someone like bella to tell him different.HE SPARKLES. I liked edward and Bella since the part when Edward and Bella are in the restauant and he sees only Bella. I don't have anything agenst Jacob I just think him and Nessie are more suited for eachother. Also what Rene said to Bella when they went to visit her "Whenever he moves you automaticly change position"
over a year ago UltraViolent said…
i like edward better i didin't like Jacob until the end of breaking dawn when he imprints on renesmee i hate Jacob because it is soooooooooooooooooooooo obvious she loves edward and Jacob is forcing her to be with him
over a year ago Edward07Rosie said…
edward all the way....... i think that jacob is good all even if he is trying to steal the one reason edward wants to be alive even is for bella's saftey and he fell in love with bella's baby it is just weird hahaha but yeah jacob is really nice even though edward is the best hot hot hot hot hotttttttt wooooooooh
edward all the way.......  i think that jacob is good  all even if he is trying to steal the one reas
over a year ago kat_hale said…
Ok, so why do WE have to pick! Even if there were a few times there, when Bella did admit to herself she loves both Edward and Jacob things turned out pretty well. I should admit that I was completely on Edward`s team back since the final pages of "Twilight". It`s my opinion that the whole love triangle thing was very thoughtful of Stephenie to create. In the end let`s just face it girls- we are women,and just like Bella, we could be in the same position- to love two guys in the same time, it`s so a woman thing. So if there is a pick- Edward or Jacob it should be strictly pointed toward their personalities and that should have nothing to do with Bella.
And if it comes to just picking the better female character I would say...Edward-`cause a girl should have the right to feel the "little one"(and I`m referring to the matter of behaviour)!
over a year ago gaby1 said…
edward psh.....i WILL NEVER BE A FAN OF HIM!!!!
IM A JACOB FOR EVA!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago metalnaunx said…
I love Jacob too! Hes so much better suited for Bella an Edward left Bella and made her sad, I HATE HIM FOR THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Jacob/wo­lve­s ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!
over a year ago StephanieMeyer said…
I like Edward...not that i have anything against jacob.....i just like edward better....he didnt do ANYTHING bad in the book...unlike jacob.....its like what ranee said about them,like a satilite. And i agree with funnyshwana because i just personally HATE Bella even though i really like Edward
over a year ago edwardis2sexy said…
ehmagod!how the hell could u guys pick that dirty, stinky loser!ughhhhhhhhhhhhh.........i mean jake is just a child he is so immature. i love EDWARD and i wish that real guys could be like that. and yessss i do he have problems dealing with that fact that he's fictional cos he's-he's just so damn perfect.and i always loved edward i never(ever) blamed him for leaving. ok i did cry and begged him not 2 do it but i still loved him cos i knew that he did it 2 protect bella.though i wondered if maybe if he wouldn't have left,bella would've never grown attached 2 jake and maybe everything would've been fine and bella would've never been hurt but anyways i guess jake can be funny sumtimes.but still,that doesn't make-up 4 the fact that he hurts bella and he leaves edward picking up the pieces.that's y i'm glad that she bcame a vamp cos now she's more stable and now her heart can't be broken. but i do still love jake sumtimes cos if it wasn't 4 him bella would've never been ok. so even though i'm still a die hard edward fan i still make a tiny corner 4 jake. and p.s. edwards looks and money r just icing on the cake cos i would still love him without those things. GO TEAM EDWARD!
over a year ago Madeline_Cullen said…
i like edward because hes sweet romantic and everything i think a guy should be.I started liking him when he saved bella from the van in chapter 3.I do not hate jacob black i just like edward more.Edward should be with Bella because...I personally think edward and jacob shouldn`t de with bella
over a year ago lauracullen66 said…
over a year ago TeamEdward484 said…
TeamEdward ,
Because He Does
Whats Best For Bella .
over a year ago paramore777 said…
over a year ago twilightgirl805 said…
im soo team edward because edward is the right one for bella or else jacob would have impinted on her! and edward is always there for her! he loves her unconditonally! of course jacob is a wonderfull friend but he belongs with renesmee. also if bella would have chosen jacob edward would be alone anad unhappy and bella would always have that on her consincous, but because she chose edward jacob found his soulmate as well.
over a year ago queen_of_grapes said…
i think that i would go with jacob, but both of them are ok people. it depends if we're speaking about real life, or in twilight. edward's forhead kind of creeps me out, it is kind of large with his bangs pushed back.
over a year ago topazEYEs91 said…
team edward all the way... bella and edward are made for each other, she loves jacob but can live with out him, she loves edward but she CANT live with out him and he cant live with out her... edward and bella have one heart, two bodys, one life, two bodys, one soul, two bodys... soulmates, sorry jacob youll get nessie in the end....
over a year ago crjjen said…
Team can i choose??
To be honest im so confused about who i love more, they are both such great guys and any girl i think would be lucky to have them. They are so oppisite each other and its nice to see both in the movies and in the books. My problem is..i cant choose..i love the old fasioned gentleman, and romantic Edward, but then Jacob is the bad boy who just wants someone to love. I loved Edward from the begining when i first read the books before the movies.

However because of the books (mainly New moon)i then found myself feeling for Jacob and starting to fall for his character.(yes i know he is just a character..which is a shame).
So in truth i love Taylor and Rob as actors but we are talking about the characters and honestly i just dont know.
So i know its a debate about which one but im going to cheat and say both!:) :)
over a year ago raiinbowww said…
Team Edward fershure! :))

People are just picking Jacob cause hes hot? WOW so retarded.

Judge them by their character instead of their real self.

Edward is so sweet and loveable! Edward and bella were meant to be together :]] Ferreals.! I still like jacob, but he needs to get the fact that Bella loves Edward! ! !

Yes Edward is overprotective but thats because he doesnt want her to get hurt!! DUH. Wouldnt you want yhur boyfriend to protect you?! HELLO THINK! If Bella died then Edward will obviously die because of her! Edward cant live in a world without Bella! They're madly in love~!~ Edward only left her because he wanted her to live in a human life. But he came back! And he proposed to her.

Jacob is okay... but ilove Edward more.
I loved Edward from tha start & it will never change <333 Jacobs babyish. ahhas.
Edward is so loveable haha :))
But like seriously. If yhur picking Jacob just cause hes hot then ya'll are on crack.
Im picking edward cause he has a great personality, A VAMPIRE(:, sweet, and cariing.

over a year ago lauracullen66 said…
team edward because he's the real reason we fell in love with twilight
and if bella and jacob were meant to be together he would have imprinted on her!

team edward <3
over a year ago Ilovejacob77 said…
Okay well I am team Jacob. I do not hate Edward. I liked Edward in twilight. In new moon when Edward left I was kinda mad. Then Jacob came into the picture and he was there for Bella when no one else was. He became her best friend. They would be an amazing team. He would risk anything to protect her. As for Edward thought he was protecting her by leaving because the whole Jasper thing but there were other solutions. He left her knowing Victoria was going to come back sooner or later. Jacob was out every night after he turned hunting Victoria which kept Bella safe. Jacob does have his dangers too. It is a pretty even fight but most of us know how everything ends up.
over a year ago edward28 said…
team edward ... he loves her . he left her ..but only cos it was best for her..or so he thought .
over a year ago twilight_fan_8 said…
I am Team Jacob! I am because he is so sweet to Bella! And he fights for the girl he loves. And he is just so funny! (Not to mention hot, but that does not affect me being Team Edward or Jacob because I think Edward looks good too lol) I always liked Jacob from the first time he was mentioned in the book. I Twilight though he was not in it very much so I didn't grow attached to him yet :) I kind of liked Edward in Twilight I guess. It's hard for me to remember my feeling while reading Twilight the first time though. I guess when I read Twilight, Edward was the only guy to like. Jacob was not in the book, he was a very small role. So I didn't start to like him a lot until I read New Moon. I think he is the one for Bella because he is her best friend. There is no point in going out with or marrying someone if he is not your best friend. (Of course this is my opinion) I know if I were Bella I would have chosen Jacob because he would be my best friend. Also, he is her 'Personal Sun'! If I had a 'Personal Sun' I would want to be with him (: So I hope I answered all the questions (:
over a year ago IluvJacob99 said…
jacob jacob jacob forever i love him he has everything better then edward 1 i love him for his smile laughter and so much more
2i started to like him in the 1 movie
3 i dont hate edward i just like jacob more
4 hes right for bella because hes not over pertective gives her space when she needs it he cares for her more then edward
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ishowcattle said…
Okay, so i'm totally a JACOB/TAYLOR fan because he has a great personality, he is good looking, and he is a fan pleaser. I don't think all of it is just a cover, most actors/actresses put on a face so that you will be their fan but i believe that this is really who taylor is. Jacob Black is a character so you get the expression that he is pushy or forcive but that is the person stephanie Meyer created.

So Edward fans, don't go "I don't like jacob because he pushes himself on bella." Its not taylors fault, he is playing a character. Its okay if you don't like jacob because of this but don't put it off on taylor.

I admit that i was an edward fan in the beginning but really, who wasn't. He was the sweet vamp. who had the "hots" for bella but i got over it, edward is not that great. Plus Robert CAN'T ACT.
over a year ago ccssgurl said…
Personally i like edward more because he's so romantic and i mean i would totally pick jake over edward any day and i think any girl would but in bella's case she just doesn't love jake as much as she love edward. actually i have no problem with jacob its just bella and jake really don't belong together. but jakey honey if u ever need a shoulder to cry on u can call me 4 sure!
Personally i like edward more because he's so romantic and i mean i would totally pick jake over edwa
over a year ago AudreyTribbiani said…
I just don't see a contest between these teams. Edward wins, hands down.

When are all of the team jacob fans going to understand the whole point of the story? Bella and Edward share this wonderful relationship beyond anything you could find in this world, what they feel, they would give their lives and deaths for...and thats what makes it so amazing to read, and aren´t you supposed to unconciously manipulate eachother when you love someone and that person loves you back??... If its true love, that person wants to be with you and you want to be with that person and neither would like to loose the other, for ANY reason because you would do anything for that person, you would give your life, your soul, just anything.

So you sound very lame, team jacob (im sorry), like youve never loved someone, or understood what the most powerful feeling in the world feels like or at least means. Besides isnt that the way love is supposed to be? you feeling extremely obsessed, and dominated by a person that you uncounciously manipulate just by loving them? and yeah, i would like someone to feel like that about me if I feel the same way about them, because Bella is as deep in love with edward as he is with her. and the fact he left...c'ommon, get over it , is like the sweetest love test he could do for her because the problem here is your misunderstanding for edwards feelings for Bella, i do understand them, he feels as passionate and into her as she is, i think even more because hes not human and he has not felt that kind of love for many years, so when it comes back to him, it has to be like thousand times stronger, so i think leaving her was an admirable action, he believed it was the best for her, and her life and happiness.

Even though Bella meant his life(cause he has said it like a billion times) he had the bravery to leave her because he thought he was giving here some space to continue with her life, be happier and he thought it was like the top thing he could do for her , to sacrifice himself for her, something Jacob would never do, of course. I dont agree with the people who say he left Bella with no protection, because he knew perfecly werewolves would be there, so whats your point on Edward leaving Bella unprotected?When comes back he thanks Jacob, what a gentlemen, and what´s Jakes respond?? I want you and your family to leave, yeah very smart answer Jacob...

Edward is always thinking about her happiness, and anoter key point is how his kind are supposed to be perfect, but he is not, because if he was he wouldve never left her. The fact that their love is forbidden, is what makes the whole story meaningful and full with suspense. he learns from his mistakes and tries to change, to make bella happier everyday and im very sorry with you, but being overprotective is a characteristic i love about edward because he already knows what it feels like to loose bella forever so its completely undestandable that he doesnt even want her to face any kind of danger and for those people who think Bella has so much fun while she is with Jacob, well yeah its true, but its not the same as when she is with she describes it in new moon, Jacob fills her livingroom but edward fills the whole house, and in a way she has fun with Jacob because she knows that edward is always waiting back for her, so with no edward there would be no 'i have so much fun with Jacob', thats my point of view.

Did Jacob ever think about Bellas happiness? No, he is always thinking about his own happiness,always thinking about that stupid family ties and himself, ive never seen one action from jacob aiming to bellas happiness just aiming to his own happiness.I have to admit that I was not utterly against him until a particular moment in eclipse(I respect him, and he has some good cualities, and thats very nice from him that he kept Bella alive)but it stops there, cuz when he made Edward suffer intentionally making him remember how Bella broke into pieces when he left, MADE ME FEEL REPULSED BY HIM. I get that he did it because he still doesnt understand why he left, but precisely because of that, he should respect Edward's reasons, you should never mess up with something you dont understand, because Jacob didnt know and didnt even try to understand the depth of the situation, even when Bella told him.

Hes just rude( what about leeches and he kept saying filthy bloodsuckers when bella asked him not to?the cullens just call him a dog at least...) and immature, those are my reasons for not liking him. If you think that the Jacob character is much more healthier for bella, then you must have some serious issues, because without jacob she cries, but without edward she looses her soul, so youre saying its healthier for her to be with Jacob and loose herself, loose her soul(because i believe edward helps her be who she is) rather than being with edward, as meant to be, who she always belonged with, and missing Jacob(soemthing you can perfectly get over)

1 more thing: at least Edward respects Jacob and his kind, but Jacob is just so rude and immature, and he being 17 is no excuse, because something ive learned in my life is that age is no excuse for anything, if you are a good person its no age matter, i would like him if he were a little more respectful but hes not so, and i agree with gileygirl, team jacob: why are you ven reading the twilight series if its all about Bella and Edward? Jacobs just a prop, so go check youre reading comprehension skills pleasse!!!( im saying it in the nicest way i can)


over a year ago twlightcullens said…
100000% team edward edward is charming sweet over protictvig hot ad honest hes better for bella and hes a hot vampire

go edward go cullens!!
100000% team edward edward is charming sweet over protictvig hot ad honest hes better for bella and h
over a year ago luvutoo said…
Sorry guys, Im team Jacob all the way. When Twilight came out I didnt see the movie or read the book, I wasnt interested in the least bit, but when i saw the previews for New Moon I had to see it. I did and ive been addicted ever since. I immediately read the book after the movie then decided to go back and read twilight and see the movie to understand New Moon, then of course I read the other 2, Eclipse being my all time favorite book. I love Jacob and Bella because there story and love just seems more genuine. Jacob was there when Edward left and even before and after that he was never intimidated by Edward, he liked her and never was afraid to show it. Even though he was never her boyfriend he always risk and gave everything for her. They spent time together, talking, laughing, and building something and it was real. Jacob was patient and unselfish and gave Bella time to heal, never being impatient about not liking music, bad movies, or anything he wanted to do, it was always about her and her safety. Even when fighting with the Cullens, especially Edward, it was for her safety. Everything he did was for Bella and he got nothing in return. Poor Jacob. I cant see why fans hate him. I will say i dont dislike Edward. I just dont buy there love especially in Twilight. Come on you see each other, cant read her mind, protect her and a couple weeks later your so in love your willing to die for one another. Im not buying it. But other than that i do like the fact that Edward is noble and mature but come on hes more than 100 years old shouldnt he be!?!
over a year ago italiangirl976 said…
big smile
I am Team Jacob all the way. Bella can have Edward, I want Jacob. Edwards too perfect. Jacob has flaws and that makes him perfect in my opinion. I just love is personality better. Hes more approachable and not intimidating. Hes funny and sweet. And he doesn't sparkle! Thats a plus. Edward is cold and his skin is hard but Jacob is warm and thats so much better. And hes also hotter. In my opinion any way.
over a year ago allisoncarleton said…
Team Edward forever! I love Edward and am on his team because he's sweet and nice and smart and funny and caring and kind and compassionate and a complete gentleman. I started liking edward the moment Bella mentioned him! Jacob is annoying and I hate him! He's stupid and mean and inconsiderate! Edward is perfect for Bella because he loves her so much that everything he does, he always takes Bella into account first.

Whenever Edward males a decision he always puts Bella first. He always tries to do what's best for her and try to make sure that she's never in pain. He always tries to protect her even if that means he becomes possessive it's just because he's scared of losing her. He does everything to keep her safe all the time and would rather leave her and practically destroy himself just to preserve her soul and keep her safe. Edward would rather put himself in pain and depression and would rather die than see bella suffer a single once of pain. He is so selfless. Unlike Jacob.

Jacob forces Bella to hear that he loves her causing her pain because she knows she'll have to hurt him. He would rather have no vampires in Forks and have Edward dead so that he could be with Bella, even though he knows that, that would cause her to slip into depression and suffer a vast amount of pain. He tells her that he'll fight for her even though she doesn't want him to and then he practically forces her to make a choice where he's constantly bombarding her to chose him. He would rather see her suffer so that he could be with her instead of letting her go to be happy he's so selfish! Edward on the other hand does anything to make Bella happy.

Edward would rather see Bella with Jacob then see her in pain. Even though Edward loves Bella more than anything in the universe he would let her go if she didn't want him anymore because he would know that it would make her happy. Also, Edward would never kill Jacob or even think of killing him because he knows it would cause Bella pain and in Eclipse when Jacob's hurt he begs for Sam to help him because he knows that if something happens to him Bella will be hurt so Edward's hurt too. While Jacob just jumps at the chance for Edward to be killed. Jacob never would've let bella go.

When Bella picked Edward Jacob never let it go he just moped and sulked around that he loved Bella and that he could never love anyone else because Bella was the one for him. Even when he turned up at Bella and Edward's wedding he wasn't even happy for them and he just sulked and got angry that she was with edward and not with him. He could never be happy that she was happy and he always sulked and got angry and if he really loved her he would've let her go and let her be happy and he would've sulked while trying to not let her know. He only let her go to be happy when he imprinted on Renesmee.

He claimed he always loved Bella and would always love Bella and she was the only one for him and he put her through so much pain and wanted to kill her baby and hated it and Edward, but then he imprinted on her. He was never happy for Bella until he got some happiness for himself he's selfish and for that he doesn't deserve Bella he would rather have her in pain them have her with Edward.

So team Edward all the way because he is a true gentleman who loves Bella more than anyone could ever love anyone else. He loves her and will protect her from anything and everyone because he is good and selfless and always puts what's best for Bella before what he wants or needs. I love Edward and Bella does too and they deserve each other and it's their story, they are perfect and forever.

Team Edward!
over a year ago AudreyTribbiani said…
ok 1 thing ive Jacob are basically people who had new moon as their introduction to the twilight series. If you had read the story as it goes, twilight first of all, you instantly get the situation in the book. I f you read twilght first, you know the love that Bella and Edward developed is like completely surreal, but thats the beauty of it, its such an amazing love you cant find in his world, nothing you have ever seen before. and as soon as you heard that the story was about vampires, you should have guessed it was FICTION. If you read twilight first, you feel annoyed by Jacob, because theres this wonderful developing romantic plot happening and then Jacob comes along, and youre like get out of the way dude, haha. Well anyways team Jacob are either shallow peps, tay L. fans, or people who read new moon first, the ugly truth revealed:)
over a year ago Andressa_Weld said…
Ok! This is beyond ridiculous! This competition between Edward's and Jacob's fans are getting really annoying!Enough! Everybody here loves TWILIGHT! That's the reason why we are here! Right? Are you guys here for fight or for love Twilight? Shouldn't we love the other fans here as a family because we all love twilight? Only because i hate jacob/edward I need to hate Jacob's and Edward's fans? Guys when will it end? In breaking dawn Edward called Jacob son! Isn't that enough? Let's think about it! Jacob and Edward both made terrible mistakes, so why do we forgive one and don't forgive the other one? Ok, maybe you like more Jacob, but do you need to hate Edward? Or vice versa! Guys it doesn't matter if you like more Edward or Jacob!WE ALL LOVE TWILIGHT! Let's get over it!
over a year ago PinkRoxy said…
I personally like Edward better. You are right though the books are about Bella and Edwards love and Jacob is just a prop.
But doesnt mean I dont hate Jacob, I think he is an awesome character and the actor is really hot looking too. But Im mainly looking at the character here and both of them seem really nice and I love them both.
But if I had to pick I would pick Edward because he is caring, proctective and he just loves Bella so much and the same with Bella to him. In the book twilight it is like a perfect romance and I think that is what made me decide to like Edward better was from reading twilight.
I do agree that most Jacob fans are Taylor Loutner fans and most of the team Jacob people are really young and dont understand the storyline so much as much older mature people such as me as Im in my early 20s understands the storyline and am a true Edward fan, hey Im not saying that everyone are I have friends who are truly Jacob fans for his character in the storyline but Im saying that most of the girls in the cinema were under his spell when he took his top off in the movie New moon at the cinema, it was then that they liked Jacob more because of his hot body and then I think that is where they like the actor more and that is why.
But I have always been a true Edward fan like some of you have said you have to read the twilight book and you are right it is mainly Edward.
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago minti3 said…
team jacob
he was there for her when he needed her