Twilight Series Midnight sun leaked online

twilightlover13 posted on Aug 28, 2008 at 03:54AM
Ok so supposedly the first 12 chapter of midnight sun have been leaked onto the internet. There has been a lot of speculation and whether or not they are the real deal or not. I have heard many rumors saying that stephenie gave copies of midnight sun to robert pattinson so he could get into character better. Who knows? maybe the copy fell into the wrong hands. Or there were rumors that stephenie leaked it herself to distract people from the "failure" of breaking dawn. I don't think breaking dawn was a failure at all. I think the ending was perfectly appropriate for this series. Anything more or less would not have been right. I have read part of the midnight sun chapters (yes i know i'm a bad person, don't give me crap about it) and they seem to me to be the real deal. I'm not going to post the link to download the chapters because then this forum post will most likely be flagged, but what do you guys think on the matter? Would you guys want to read part of it now? or wait until it comes out next year?

UPDATE: Stephenie Meyer has updated her website with the full draft of the first 12 chapters so people will be able to get the feel of Edward's pov. If you're dying to read it you'll be able to find it there on the midnight sun page. It has all the pages and it's an actually copy and not scanned.
last edited on Aug 31, 2008 at 07:59PM

Twilight Series 39 replies

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over a year ago mandapanda said…
i think it is the actual 12 chapters of midnight sun in my opinion.... and i too, have read some of it... i couldnt help it.
over a year ago aires547 said…
Ok now thats not fair..I don't know the link to it..pooh on you guys for not sharing with the rest of us!!
over a year ago wolf_chic said…
hey aires547, i do have... want me to send it to you? give me your email add
over a year ago emma-jeff said…
I havent read it because I want to save the excitement for when it comes out! Is it good though?
over a year ago Bedward4lyf said…
this is to emma-jeff i agree i would want to read it but i wanna waiitt for the exciment.
over a year ago mandapanda said…
kudos to you guys, emma-jeff and Bedwardlyf. i ripped that thing open as soon as i saw it! and it is good. :)
over a year ago pinkmafia27 said…
I didn't think that BD was a fail. I think she is the one writer out there who decided that she really was going to give her characters EVERYTHING that they could hope for. I respect SM's happy ending; we don't see enough of the anymore.

I downloaded Midnight Sun as well. *sigh* Edward is... amazing. I understand him so much better now & I think that everyone will love the book.
over a year ago sweetlissa2006 said…
Stephenie Meyer has updated her website. She said she was very upset to hear of the link, and now she has postponed writing Midnight Sun INDEFINITELY! I do admit that I downloaded it. But I wish it hadn't been leaked, because now we won't get to read the finished copy.
over a year ago MidnightEclipse said…
I admit to downloading it, I'm so upset about this got leaked and how upset Stephenie is..
over a year ago Michellebob said…
Why couldnt people leave it alone and wait patiently for it to be finished!
Now we might never get the whole thing!!
over a year ago emma-jeff said…
When I read what Stephenie put on her website I felt so guity even though I didnt read it! I feel so bad for her!
over a year ago EdwardJ said…
Yes this is terrible now what are we to do wait and hope she decided to write another twilight book I have seen no hard evidence thnat she intends on writing anymore books in the twilight saga and with the leak she may never Im tempted to set up some kind of fund to pay SM for her work on the first 12 chapters of Midnight SUN maybe enough of a bribe to get her to finish it Because I know us true twilighters would pay for every word any thoughts ?
over a year ago TriineA said…
I havn't read it (must say I was truly tempted). I do feel really bad for Stephanie - this must be hard for her. It was a draft and not something she wanted people to read YET (: I do also feel a lot of anger towards the person who leaked it.

- BUT.. I must say I don't think people should be mad at the ones who read it, it isn't there failt that the books was leaked and just because you've read it - it doesn't mean you won't buy Midnight Sun.

That's just my take on it. But PLEASE Stephanie, please finish the book( We can always hope she sees this ;D )
over a year ago ay3 said…
over a year ago ilovejazzy said…
PLZ finish the book! we love you!
over a year ago djb2010 said…
i feel so bad for stepehenie meyer. she really seemed very upset when she wrote on her website. and i can understand why she doesnt want to write midnight sun now. the only chapter i read was the first and thats all i plan to read until, hopefully, the book comes out. i just hope its sometime soon!!!!!!
over a year ago The_Fanpire said…
I hope she finishes it and publishes it! If anything, I want to buy it more after reading 264 FANTASTIC pages of pure bliss. Ah, Edward. -sighs-
over a year ago nae507 said…
I just read the first chapter of MS on her website and I just need to read all the 264 pages! so please please please ayone who knows where I can download them... my email is

I know I shouldn't read them... but I can't help myself so pleeeeease and thank u!
over a year ago emma-jeff said…
You can find it on her website in the midnight sun spot. Does anyone else feel guilty for reading it because I feel terrible :S
over a year ago layla_14 said…
well I haven't read it, apart from the first chapter that was on SM website. I feel so bad for her, people need to give her a break! I hope she continues with midnight sun, and I won't be reading the draft that was leaked.
over a year ago JenniferDempsey said…
I posted her actual blog here on this Twilight spot and I read it and felt so sorry for SM its so sad. But she expressed that she understands people wanting to read the first 12 chapters and she posted the link at the bottom of her article lol but I still think its awful. Whoever posted it should not have done it, its such a betrayal of trust. Oh God I feel so guilty but I need to read those chapters :(
over a year ago pinkmafia27 said…
If I were Stephenie I would be upset at the people who leaked it. Not the fans for reading it.
It must really stink though, to have BD leaked and then MS too. I can understand why it has soured the experience of writing the rest of MS for her. Hopefully, after the movie is released, and with all the fan pleas to start writing it again, she will have a renewed desire to finish it.

The idea of starting a fund to PAY her for it -- just ridicuous. It isn't about the money. She is HURT. Not upset b/c she isn't going to make a couple more bucks from sales. I'll buy MS when it comes out regardless of what what already leaked.
over a year ago savemidnightsun said…
A gift to Stephenie from all of her fans...

over a year ago imyourally said…
I think its terrible of what happened!
SM will probaly never get over that because id say its heart breaking to think that maybe one of her fans that she had so much trust in like she does to all of us ( her fans ) has done this to her! sent out 12 chps of MS. she really had alot of trust in her fans , she says it in her videos! now i would say she is feeling really uncertain about the whole thing! but i do hope she realises that there are only a few people out there that are like that. the rest of us wouldnt want to do that to Stephenie! i do hope that she considers this and continues to write MS because for all you fans out there who have read the first 12 chps and who feel terrible for doing so , it really isnt your fault you only read it because SM is the best writer in the world and you couldnt hold yourself to not to do so. PLEASE STEPENIE IF YOUR READING THIS PLEASE CONSIDER THE REST OF US!!!

over a year ago mickey12 said…
Hey would anyone send me the link for the 12 chapters? my Gf really wants to read them and i cant find them anywheres. THANKS
over a year ago maddie12345 said…
i want the link too! please send it to me or something, i really wanna read it!
over a year ago Curlytop_ said…
Its been on her web site since August.

over a year ago BeccaBear said…
Those of you saying that you will send it to people, could be fined. Its still copyright material. it was ILLEGALLY leaked out. You could get into big toruble for distributing it.
over a year ago x-haylllllley said…
yeahh i read it yesturday, the first chapter.
cause she released it or whatever.
it was gooood :)
over a year ago Moneik said…
the rumors are all b/s
seriously people have serious problems to make that kinda sh** up like that

it is the real deal, but it IS just a draft
so she said it was really scrappy and stuff

and if you've read the article that was out lately with stephenie meyer, she didnt write most of the stuff bout how shattered she was with midnight sun
she didnt mean some of her sentences literally
but it sounded so serious and yeah
go find it and read it

over a year ago arielknapple said…
she took it off!!! its only the first chapter and im freaking out about it like i got so into it and i wanted to keep reading but i had to go to sleep cause it was getting late and so i got on to read some more right now and it was gone! only the first chapter
if any of you know where i can find the rest of the chapters let me know
over a year ago Catchwavesurf said…
If you go to and look around, she posted all of the leaked manuscript there herself. You can't print it or save it to your computer (for obvious reasons) but it's totally worth the read, like everything else in the Twilight series.
over a year ago smfan1 said…
im in love with this series can i get this link
over a year ago star_4-17-1992 said…
i so hope sm finishes the ms i so can't wait to read it
over a year ago its_just_me said…
someone has GOT to tell me where to read the first 12 chapters!! my younger sis is a definite Twi-hard fan, and she was ranting the other day about how horrible it is that someone would do that to Stephanie Meyer, but i think she's just mad because she has no clue where to find it. she says that even if she could, that she would rather die than read those chapters, but again i think that she only says that because she can't find them.
i NEED a link to that so's i can test her morality and will-power!
this has the potential to turn into something truly comical, but i need your help. so PLEASE send me a link!!
over a year ago patriautism said…
stephanie has the 12 chapters on her own site, you don't need a link..
they are the real deal
over a year ago k99545 said…
I absolutely loved reading the first part of Midnight Sun! Seeing it from Edwards point of view, to me, totally gave the story a new feel. So many people have accused his character of being overly possessive and abusive, once you read the story from his eyes I dont see how any one could say that. He is so utterly infatuated and in love with Bella, even before he knew she loved him. I really hope Stephanie continues this book, the first 12 chapters are just teasing me now!
over a year ago ashleigh1003 said…
To stephanie meyer

i know you don't like the fact that your book got posted on the internet but the truth is i would think that many people and that includes myself would like to read the end of your book "midnight sun" because it is from a diferent point of view not bella's but edward's this book could tell many others what he did when he was not around bella when he went hunting or watched her sleep i don't ask much just to learn the rest of his side.

i have read twilight over like ten times just like the other books i love the i dea of vampire romance wiht a human girl but not knowing the rest of the story from someone else point of view i admit what happen shouldn't have but i don't want others to suffer like me i miss the fact that many others will suffer.
over a year ago sinharoy15923 said…
I am definitely going to read that over and over again I am amrried man by the way I feelso sorry For Steph right now