Twilight Series ♥ The Wrong Answer Game ♥

KaterinoulaLove posted on May 20, 2010 at 11:48AM
House_Anatomy found this game on a Charmed Site and after having the permission of the game's owner on that site, decided to put it on charmed spot !
It's so awesome game and I found it a great idea to post it here! It's so much fan!

I think the title couldn't be more descriptive. It is a GAME... yet another one, where someone asks something about the lovely series-movies (*-*) and the next person has to answer the question with a wrong answer.

This is much more fun than having to answer correctly becuase IMAGINATION can be uselful.! S put your imagination on and let's have fuuuuun!

I will start to help you even more :

Question :Where Isabella Swan used to live.?
Answer : Timbuktu

First to read this, make up the next question :P

Twilight Series 1192 replies

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Showing Replies 1001-1050 of 1192

over a year ago Doodlebug81 said…

Who is Carlisle's wife?
over a year ago Katherine_girl said…
Jessica (Bad girlXD)

Who did Bella Have S_X with to have Nessie??
over a year ago zanesaaomgfan said…

Who is Mike's on and off girlfriend?
over a year ago theviolinNINJA7 said…
Mike actually dies in Breaking Dawn so no gf fo him!

How does Jasoer become a Vampire?
over a year ago love_bites said…
Jasper becomes a vampire when Alice sees him, becomes madly in love, and then bites him in fear of having to let him go.

Why doesn't Carlisle help deliver Renesemes?
over a year ago Elle-C said…
Carlisle feared the wrath of Rageward if he ever saw Bella nekked!

Why did Edward say, "Friends don't let friends drive drunk?"

over a year ago Lovehinagurl44 said…
He almost got ran over

Who is Jacob?
over a year ago love_bites said…
Jacob is Bella's long lost third cousin.

Why does Rosalie *hate* Bella so much?
over a year ago queen-seli said…
because she do not have blonde hair

Who bites bella in BD part 1?
over a year ago Make-me-laugh said…

Why does Edward sparkle?
over a year ago zanesaaomgfan said…
Because him and Alice were using too much glitter and glue!

Who is Emmett Cullen's wife?
over a year ago Make-me-laugh said…
Jennifer Lopez

What is the difference between Jacob and Edward?

over a year ago ebcullen4ever said…
Jacob has fleas

Why did Jasper try to attack Bella at her birthday party?
over a year ago Smilebaby05 said…
B'coz Rosalie Told Her To Do So..

Who's The One Who Hates Bella>?
over a year ago Make-me-laugh said…
Lord Voldemort

Who hates Edward?
over a year ago Smilebaby05 said…

What is the third part of twilight known as?
over a year ago Make-me-laugh said…
Breaking wind, part 1

Who does Carlisle fancy?
over a year ago ebcullen4ever said…
Queen Elizabeth

What did Charlie say to Edward when he first met him?
over a year ago Lovehinagurl44 said…
Get out of my house!

Why did Jacob miss the wedding?
over a year ago CcDavidsen said…
Because he had sex with Leah

what's the special thing about Renesmee?
over a year ago Make-me-laugh said…
She likes chocolate

Who killed Edward?
over a year ago nessie-eska said…
Peter Pettigrew

Why did Edward change Bella?
over a year ago Make-me-laugh said…
Because she was a Slytherin

Why does Edward sparkle?
over a year ago nessie-eska said…
He drank unicorn blood.

Why is Jacob always half naked?
over a year ago CcDavidsen said…
He has no clean t-shirts

What's the thing Rosalie wants most
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Lovehinagurl44 said…
To become queen of the universe

Why did Jacob run away?

last edited over a year ago
over a year ago ebcullen4ever said…
To be a stunt double in Hollywood for Taylor Lautner

Why did James bite Bella?
over a year ago Lovehinagurl44 said…
She was teasing him

Where does Jacob live?
over a year ago nessie-eska said…
In a dog hut

Why does Cullens have golden eyes?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Lovehinagurl44 said…
They wear contacts.

Who does Bella live with?
over a year ago ebcullen4ever said…
Snow White and the 7 dwarves

what did the Cullens cook for Bella when she first met them?
over a year ago nessie-eska said…
Bloody steak

Why did Vladimir and Stefan come to the Forks?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago CcDavidsen said…
they came to spy for the Volturi

how did Alice and Jasper meet?
over a year ago ebcullen4ever said…

what does Rosalie say everytime she looks in the mirror?
over a year ago Robssesed said…
"I wish i looked like Bella so Jacob would fancy me"

Why did Jacob imprint on Renesmee?
over a year ago Make-me-laugh said…
Because she's a gypsy.

Did Jacob die?
over a year ago Lovehinagurl44 said…
Yeah he was hit by a 18-wheeler

Did Jessica die?
over a year ago Make-me-laugh said…
Yeah, she drunk Severus Snape's love potion.

Did Carlisle die?
over a year ago ebcullen4ever said…
Yeah,Bellatrix Lestrange performed the Avada Kedavra spell.
over a year ago nessie-eska said…
What did Bella get from Charlie as a welcome home gift?
over a year ago queen-seli said…
A baby Dog

What color is Bellas Truck?
over a year ago nessie-eska said…
Colors of the rainbow

Where did Bella go with the Cullens first day she met them?
over a year ago MusicBrat said…
To The Candy Corn festival on the core of the earth.

What Makes Edwards Skin sparkle?
over a year ago Make-me-laugh said…

What is Jacob allergic of?
over a year ago Lovehinagurl44 said…

Where did Bella have Renesmee?
last edited over a year ago
over a year ago Renesmee_08 said…
In my house.
Why doesn't Jacob age?
over a year ago Wotch-ya said…
Because he's a purple, people-eater.

Who are the Volturi?
over a year ago Lovehinagurl44 said…
A secret group undercover looking for evidence of the undead

What color is Edward's hair?
over a year ago CcDavidsen said…

Who came up with Renesmee's nickname?
over a year ago Wotch-ya said…
Her dog did.

Why is Edward a vampire?